To achieve a flatter frequency response a wave trap is added.
Excerpt of the K+T 6/2005 review: ..."After a few CD tracks we removed the wave trap as a try, achieving a sound with more presence that seemed to be better. "Wait a minute, I'll grab a valve amp!" said the LP guy and minutes later carted a formidable contender into the listening room. Due to its high efficiency Das Viech made contact without any problem and showed a somewhat more balanced sound compared with the transistor.".... ..."This configuration, however, didn't prove to be universal, some tracks just wouldn't click. Here the wave trap was one step ahead again. The colleagues that entered the listening room now and then, were quite impressed by The Beast's qualities, especially when the price was mentioned."
Order No. str-viech, price per unit (without cabinet) - not available
Order No. str-viech-he, price per unit (without cabinet) - not available
If you prefer to make up the kit yourself: Price of the just the Beyma 8ag/n full range driver with 8 Ohm: - not available
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