With 40 years of experience in the field of acoustics and loudspeaker technology Visaton is a future oriented Company. With high engagement in research and development plus the high quality standards of production, Visaton is a specialised and world wide successfully operating German loudspeaker manufacturer.
To our building proposals with Visaton drivers.
EUR 17,21 excl. VAT: € 14.46 / $ 15.76
10 cm midrange driver with high quality cone.
EUR 26,76 excl. VAT: € 22.49 / $ 24.51
EUR 34,35 excl. VAT: € 28.87 / $ 31.46
12 cm midrange driver with high quality conet.
EUR 23,35 excl. VAT: € 19.62 / $ 21.39
12 cm midrange driver with paper conet.
EUR 28,45 excl. VAT: € 23.91 / $ 26.06
12 cm midrange driver with high quality cone.
recommended cabinet 1: closed cabinet with 2,8 L volume from 106/67 Hz (-3dB/-8dB) recommended cabinet 2: 10,1 L volume bass reflex cabinet with HP50 reflex tube, 15 cm long. from 53/43 Hz (-3dB/-8dB).
EUR 171,30 excl. VAT: € 143.95 / $ 156.91
14 cm midrange driver with high quality cone .
recommended cabinet 1: closed cabinet with 5,7 L volume from 92/58 Hz (-3dB/-8dB) recommended cabinet 2: 18 L volume bass reflex cabinet with HP70 reflex tube, 22 cm long. from 49/38 Hz (-3dB/-8dB).
EUR 189,60 excl. VAT: € 159.33 / $ 173.67
16 cm midrange driver with high quality conet.
Please note: the frequency response doesn't say much about the cut-off frequency inside the cabinet! Therefore, we mostly give you 2 examples with dimensioning considerations and an indication, how low the loudspeaker will reproduce.
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