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Mundorf, der Spezialist für Spulen und Kondensatoren Capacitors for amplifiers and power supplies

M-Lytic Mundorf is regarded as specialist for high-end components. Therefore we have included the most interesting products in our product line-up. Here the capacitors for amplifiers and power supplies:

M-Lytic Audio Grade Power Caps: With the M-Lytic Audio Grade series we are extending our range of products to a series especially conceived for applications within the pre-amplifiers or small power amplifiers. The assemblage always refers to snap-in models for assembly boards. Throughout its development, importance was placed upon attaining low ESR and ESL values, as well as a low inner-sound development. Storage facilities are currently being constructed. Please feel hence free to enquire about the availability of the required merchandise. The ESL value is about 10 nH.

M-Lytic HC: A patented method for internal contacting enables the realisation of a very low ESR and the most marginal residual inductivity. These capacitors are designed for continuous current of up to several hundred amperes. Therefore, they have been prepared for mounting on a heat sink. Due to these attributes these capacitors can supply extreme peak currents. They are the first choice when it comes to equipping transistor amplifies with an uncompromising power supply. They do this very quickly and thus form the basis for a dynamic, precise bass as well as a lively and clear middle/high tone range. Even with extreme bass impulses the playback remains stable and clean, without any compression effects whatsoever. The ESL value is about 10 nH;

M-Lytic HV The MLytic HV electrolytic capacitors have been developed from the latest materials and under utilisation of the most modern manufacturing technique especially for the requirements of tube amplifiers. The 450 VDC versions have an axial construction form, whereas the 500 VDC types are offered in snap-in housings. Following many classic designs, these capacitors are offered as double capacitance. In addition to the utilisation in new developments, they are also outstandingly suitable for repairs and tuning of existing amplifiers. The ESL value is about 20 nH.

M-Lytic HC
Product ID C/µF U/Vdc ESR (100Hz) Dimensions
M-lyt80-22000 22000 80 0.007 Ohm 75 x 69 EUR 107,60 excl. VAT: € 90.42 / $ 93.13
M-lyt80-33000 33000 80 0.006 Ohm 90 x 69 - not available
M-lyt80-47000 47000 80 0.005 Ohm 90 x 69 EUR 186,00 excl. VAT: € 156.30 / $ 160.99
M-lyt100-22000 22000 100 0.006 Ohm 90 x 69 EUR 146,80 excl. VAT: € 123.36 / $ 127.06
M-lyt100-33000 33000 100 0.005 Ohm 90 x 69 EUR 195,90 excl. VAT: € 164.62 / $ 169.56
M-lyt100-47000 47000 100 0.004 Ohm 90 x 98 EUR 244,80 excl. VAT: € 205.71 / $ 211.89

M-Lytic HV - 450 V, axial construction
Product ID C/µF U/Vdc tan Delta Dimensions
M-lyt4502-1515 15+15 450 4.5% 25 x 38 EUR 7,20 excl. VAT: € 6.05 / $ 6.23
M-lyt4502-3333 33+33 450 4.5% 25 x 49 EUR 9,60 excl. VAT: € 8.07 / $ 8.31
M-lyt4502-4747 47+47 450 4.5% 30 x 49 EUR 14,50 excl. VAT: € 12.18 / $ 12.55
M-lyt4502-100100 100+100 450 4.5% 35 x 50 on request

M-Lytic HV - 500 V, snap-in-housing
Product ID C/µF U/Vdc tan Delta Dimensions
Clip M-b35s Fastening clip for Snap-In types EUR 1,90 excl. VAT: € 1.60 / $ 1.64
M-lyt5002-1616 16+16 500 5% 35 x 50 - not available
M-lyt5002-3232 32+32 500 5% 35 x 50 EUR 15,20 excl. VAT: € 12.77 / $ 13.16
M-lyt5002-5050 50+50 500 5% 35 x 50 on request
M-lyt5002-100100 100+100 500 5% 35 x 65 on request
M-lyt5002-200200 200+200 500 5% 35 x 80 on request
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