Calculator for Helmholtz Resonator (to suppress resonances)

Helmholtz Resonator A tube within a cabinet has a resonance
Please enter decimal separator as "."
Height in cm: Width in cm: Depth in cm: Cabinet Volume
Resonance tube Length in cm: Diameter in cm:  
    Resonance: Hz*)
*) at 20 degrees centigrade, calculations according to American Institute of Physics Handbook, 1957 McGRaw Hill, Inc.
© Lautsprechershop Daniel Gattig GmbH, 2002. All rights reserved - Warranty excluded

The Helmholtz resonator consists of a cabinet and a tube (marked red on the left). It's being used:

a) to suppress room resonance. To achieve this the Helmholtz absorber has to be built like shown on the left.

b) to suppress cabinet resonance. Therefore, the absorber has to be put into the cabinet (like e.g. K+T Flatline or Phoenix as in Hobby HiFi 1/2003.

c) as a bass reflex tube to achieve a lower resonance compared with the cabinet resonance.

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