Lsp CAD Lite by Ingemar Johansson: Speaker Box Lite 1.00

The programme open with an empty input form.

Choose in "File" -> "NewProject" to start a new speaker design project. In the pop-up window enter whether you want to build:
- a closed cabinet
- a bass reflex cabinet
- or a bandpass

Next you choose "Driver-Unit" -> "Load ..." to select the driver for the cabinet.

... and the menu "Box" and then choose "optimize" in the new window.

Now you can click "Free air SPL at ..." and others at the bottom of the window... The first results will come up:
Additional configuration:
in "Driver-Unit" -> "Configuration ..." where you can choose the number of bass drivers. The button "Yes" in the frame "Isobaric" should be chosen, if you want to put 2 drivers behind one another (push pull).

With "Meas.Setup" you can adjust the calculation parameters. Initially, they should be kept as they are.

For bass reflex or bandpass cabinets the "Port Diameter" in the menu "Box" should be adjusted to at least 1/3 of the diameter of the driver.

A demonstration with Alcone AC 12 SW8 and AC 10 HE

First enter the data of the Alcone AC12 SW8 and AC 10 HE like described here.
Then open Speaker Box Lite 1.0
Choose "File -> New Project ..." and there "Bandpass"
In the menu "Driver Unit" choose -> "Load ..." and select the previously entered AC12 SW8.
Choose the menu "Box" and in the pop-up window "Optimize".
Now you are being asked what data the speaker should have : choose -5 dB as sensitivity.
Now you can open the windows "Free air SPL ..." and the others at the bottom of the window.

You can see now a practicable set-up of the AC12 SW8. And besides, you will notice in the window "bandpass box..." (menu Box) that, the bass reflex tube either needs to be very narrow (7 x 30 cm) or quite long.

The AC12 SW8, like all others of this range, is a driver that was designed for best possible control with excellent low bass. Therefore, this driver requires a special tuning (refer Sub 12 description).

When entering the data of the AC 10 HE, you will notice that tuning is a lot easier.

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